My Strangest Case eBook

Guy Boothby
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about My Strangest Case.

My Strangest Case eBook

Guy Boothby
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about My Strangest Case.
mind.  With the exception of the present case I had nothing important on hand, so that I could think of no one who would be likely to set a watch upon me.  That I did not suspect Hayle would only be natural under the circumstances, as I did not know then that he had been the witness of Kitwater and Codd’s visit to my office that afternoon, and I felt convinced in my own mind that he was unaware that they were in England.  It was most natural, therefore, that I should not in any way associate him with the plot.

The following day was spent for the greater part in making further inquiries in Hatton Garden, and among the various Dutch merchants then in London.  The story the senior partner of Messrs. Jacob and Bulenthall had told me had proved to be correct, and there could be no sort of doubt that Hayle had realized a very large sum of money by the transaction.  What was more, I discovered that he had been seen in London within the previous twenty-four hours.  This was a most important point, and it encouraged me to persevere in my search.  One thing, however, was remarkable.  One or two of the merchants to whom Hayle had disposed of his stones, had seen more of him than Messrs. Jacob and Bulenthall.  Two had dined with him at a certain popular restaurant in Regent Street, and had visited a theatre with him afterwards.  In neither case, however, had they discovered his name or where he lived.  This secret he guarded most religiously, and the fact that he did so, afforded additional food for reflection.  If he imagined his old companions to be dead, why should he be so anxious that his own identity, and his place of residence, should remain a secret?  If they were safely out of the way, no one could possibly know of his connection with them, and in that case he might, if he pleased, purchase a mansion in Park Lane and flourish his wealth before the eyes of the world, for any harm it might do him.  Yet here he was, exciting mistrust by his secrecy, and leading a hole-and-corner sort of life when, as I have said, there was not the slightest necessity for it.  Little by little I was beginning to derive the impression that the first notion of Mr. Hayle was an erroneous one, and that there was more in him than I supposed.  This sentiment was destined to be strengthened and in the very near future, by two remarkable discoveries.

That evening I again went for a walk.  Feeling fairly confident, however, that the men who had followed me before would do so again, I took certain precautions before I set out.  One of my subordinates, a man remarkable for his strength, was ordered to be at the corner of my street at half-past eight.  He was to wait there until I emerged from my hotel, himself remaining as far as possible out of sight.  On this occasion I had planned my route deliberately.  I made my way in the first place along the Strand as far as Trafalgar Square, down Cockspur Street by way of the Haymarket to Regent Street, then on by Langham Place to that vast network of streets that lies between Oxford Street and the Euston Road.

Project Gutenberg
My Strangest Case from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.