Martin Eden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about Martin Eden.

Martin Eden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about Martin Eden.

In one way, he had undergone a moral revolution.  Her cleanness and purity had reacted upon him, and he felt in his being a crying need to be clean.  He must be that if he were ever to be worthy of breathing the same air with her.  He washed his teeth, and scrubbed his hands with a kitchen scrub-brush till he saw a nail-brush in a drug-store window and divined its use.  While purchasing it, the clerk glanced at his nails, suggested a nail-file, and so he became possessed of an additional toilet-tool.  He ran across a book in the library on the care of the body, and promptly developed a penchant for a cold-water bath every morning, much to the amazement of Jim, and to the bewilderment of Mr. Higginbotham, who was not in sympathy with such high-fangled notions and who seriously debated whether or not he should charge Martin extra for the water.  Another stride was in the direction of creased trousers.  Now that Martin was aroused in such matters, he swiftly noted the difference between the baggy knees of the trousers worn by the working class and the straight line from knee to foot of those worn by the men above the working class.  Also, he learned the reason why, and invaded his sister’s kitchen in search of irons and ironing-board.  He had misadventures at first, hopelessly burning one pair and buying another, which expenditure again brought nearer the day on which he must put to sea.

But the reform went deeper than mere outward appearance.  He still smoked, but he drank no more.  Up to that time, drinking had seemed to him the proper thing for men to do, and he had prided himself on his strong head which enabled him to drink most men under the table.  Whenever he encountered a chance shipmate, and there were many in San Francisco, he treated them and was treated in turn, as of old, but he ordered for himself root beer or ginger ale and good-naturedly endured their chaffing.  And as they waxed maudlin he studied them, watching the beast rise and master them and thanking God that he was no longer as they.  They had their limitations to forget, and when they were drunk, their dim, stupid spirits were even as gods, and each ruled in his heaven of intoxicated desire.  With Martin the need for strong drink had vanished.  He was drunken in new and more profound ways—­with Ruth, who had fired him with love and with a glimpse of higher and eternal life; with books, that had set a myriad maggots of desire gnawing in his brain; and with the sense of personal cleanliness he was achieving, that gave him even more superb health than what he had enjoyed and that made his whole body sing with physical well-being.

Project Gutenberg
Martin Eden from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.