The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 678 pages of information about The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France.

The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 678 pages of information about The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France.

Bagatelle, a house belonging to the Comte d’Artois, which was built in
sixty days. 
Bailli de Suffrein. 
Bailly, M., and the National Guard;
  effrontery of. 
“Baker,” a name given to the king. 
Balbi, Countess de. 
Balloons introduced into France by Montgolfier. 
Banquet at the Hotel de Ville on account of the birth of the dauphin. 
Barbaroux, M. 
“Barber of Seville,” play of the. 
Barnave, M. and the Constitutionalists;
  gives advice to the queen. 
Baron de Batz;
  de Besenval;
  de Breteuil. 
Baroness de Stael. 
Barri, Countess du, jealous of Marie Antoinette;
  sent to a convent. 
Bastile, attack on the, 1789;
  and murder of the governor;
  anniversary of the capture of. 
Battle of Brandywine. 
Batz, Baron de. 
Bavaria, affairs in;
  at the death of the elector 1777. 
Beauharnais, General. 
Beaulieu, Marshal. 
Beaumarchais, M.
Beauty of Marie Antoinette. 
Beauvau, M. de, and the Opposition. 
Bertrand, M.. 
Besenval, Baron de;
  and the Reveillon riot. 
Birth of Duc d’Angouleme;
  of the Princess Marie-Therese Charlotte (Madame Royale);
  of the dauphin, son of Marie Antoinette. 
Bishop Lamourette;
Body-guard, ball given by the;
  and the Versailles mob;
  protecting the court. 
Boehmer, the court jeweler. 
Boille, Marquis de;
  flies from France. 
Boutourlin’s, M., attacks on M. Necker. 
Brandywine, Battle of. 
Breteuil, Baron de;
  appointed prime minister;
  and foreign intervention. 
Breton Club. 
Brienne, Lomenie de, Archbishop of Toulouse. 
Brissac, Duc de. 
Brissot, M.. 
Broglie, Marshal de. 
Brunier, M.. 
Brunoy, entertainment given at. 
Brunswick, Duke of. 
Brunswick, Prince Ferdinand of. 
Burke’s description of the beauty of the queen. 
Buzot, M..

Calonne, M. de;
  dismissed from the office of finance minister. 
Campan, Madame de. 
Cap, red, of liberty. 
Cape St. Vincent. 
Capet, name given to the queen before the trial. 
Cardinal de Rohan. 
Carlisle, Lord, receiving a challenge from La Fayette in 1778. 
Carnival of 1777. 
Castle of Gaillon. 
Chaffault, Admiral du. 
Challenge sent by Marquis de La Fayette to Lord Carlisle. 
Chalons, and the reception of the king on his arrest. 
Champs de Mars, fete in the, in celebration of the anniversary of the
capture of the Bastile. 
Chantilly, festivities at. 
Charity shown by Louis XVI. and the queen during the winter of 1788-9. 
Charleston, capture of. 
Chartres, Duc de and Duc d’Orleans recalled from banishment;
  and the Comte d’Artois establish horse-racing;
  displays cowardice as rear-admiral;
  refused marriage with Madame Royale;
  and the red cap of liberty. 
Chevalier d’Assas, story of the. 
Chinon, M. de. 
Choiseul, Duc de;

Project Gutenberg
The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.