Bits about Home Matters eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 195 pages of information about Bits about Home Matters.

Bits about Home Matters eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 195 pages of information about Bits about Home Matters.
and every thing else is subordinate to the one selfish idea of escaping future misery.  The effect of these appeals, of these harrowing pictures, on some of the young men and women and children was almost too painful to be borne.  They were in an hysterical condition,—­weeping from sheer nervous terror.  When the excitement had reached its highest pitch, an elder rose and told the story of a wicked and impenitent man whom he had visited a few weeks before.  The man had assented to all that he told him of the necessity of repentance; but said that he was not at leisure that day to attend the class meeting.  He resolved and promised, however, to do so the next week.  That very night he was taken ill with a disease of the brain, and, after three days of unconsciousness, died.  I would not like to quote here the emphasis of application which was made of this story to the terrors of the weeping young people.  Under its influence several were led, almost carried by force, into the anxious seats.

It was hard not to fancy the gentle Christ looking down upon the scene with a pain as great as that with which he yearned over Jerusalem.  I longed for some instant miracle to be wrought on the spot, by which there should come floating down from the peaceful blue sky, through the sweet tree-tops, some of the loving and serene words of balm from his Gospel.

Theologians may theorize, and good Christians may differ (they always will) as to the existence, extent, and nature of future punishment; but the fact remains indisputably clear that, whether there be less or more of it, whether it be of this sort or of that, fear of it is a base motive to appeal to, a false motive to act from, and a worthless motive to trust in.  Perfect love does not know it; spiritual courage resents it; the true Kingdom of Heaven is never taken by its “violence.”

Somewhere (I wish I knew where, and I wish I knew from whose lips) I once found this immortal sentence:  “A woman went through the streets of Alexandria, bearing a jar of water and a lighted torch, and crying aloud, ’With this torch I will burn up Heaven, and with this water I will put out Hell, that God may be loved for himself alone.’”

The Correlation of Moral Forces.

Science has dealt and delved patiently with the laws of matter.  From Cuvier to Huxley, we have a long line of clear-eyed workers.  The gravitating force between all molecules; the law of continuity; the inertial force of matter; the sublime facts of organic co-ordination and adaptation,—­all these are recognized, analyzed, recorded, taught.  We have learned that the true meaning of the word law, as applied to Nature, is not decree, but formula of invariable order, immutable as the constitution of ultimate units of matter.  Order is not imposed upon Nature.  Order is result.  Physical science does not confuse these; it never mistakes nor denies specific function, organic progression, cyclical growth.  It knows that there is no such thing as evasion, interruption, substitution.

Project Gutenberg
Bits about Home Matters from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.