The Young Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 257 pages of information about The Young Mother.

The Young Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 257 pages of information about The Young Mother.

Errors.  Repetition of aliment.  Variety.  Children over-fed.  Appetite not a safe guide.  Training to gluttony.  Illustrations of the principle.  Mankind eat twice as much as is necessary.

SEC. 5. How long should Milk be the only Food?

First change in diet.  Objections of mothers.  Choice bits.  Ignorance of the nature of digestion.  What digestion is.  Food which the author of nature assigned.

SEC. 6. On Feeding before Teething.

When feeding before teething is necessary.  Diet of mothers.  Substitute for the mother’s milk.  How prepared.  Variety not necessary to the infant.  Milk best from the same cow.  Vessels in which it is used should be clean.  Sweet milk not heated too much.  Not frozen.  Disgusting practices.  Pure water.  If not pure, boil it.  Best of sugar.  Is sugar injurious?  When the state of the mother’s health forbids nursing.  Use of sucking-bottles.  Feeding should in all cases be slow.  Jolting children after eating.  Tossing.  Sucking-bottle as a plaything.  Evils of using it as such.  Dirty vessels.  Poisonous ones.  Character of nurses.  Nursing at both breasts.  Age of the nurse.  Parents should have the oversight, even of a nurse.

SEC. 7. From Teething to Weaning.

Proper age for weaning.  Cullen’s opinion.  Proper season of the year.  When the teeth have fairly protruded.  First food given.  New forms of food.  Animal broth.

SEC. 8. During the Process of Weaning.

The spring the best time for weaning.  Should not be too sudden.  The process—­how managed.  Exciting an aversion to the breast.  What solid food should first be given.  Buchan’s opinion.  Health of the mother.  She should—­if possible—­avoid medicine.

SEC. 9. Food subsequently to Weaning.

Views of Dr. Cadogan.  Half the children that come into the world go out of it before they are good for anything.  Why?  Owing chiefly to errors in nursing, feeding, and clothing.  Simplicity of children’s food.  Picture of a modern table.  Every dish tortured till it is spoiled.  Plain, simple food, generally despised.  How bread is now regarded.  How it ought to be.  Mr. Locke’s opinion in favor of bread for young children, and against the use of animal food.  Does not differ materially from that of most medical writers.  Vegetable food generally preferred to animal.  What is true of youth, in this respect, is true of every age, with slight exceptions.  Who require most food.  Mere bread and water not best.  Bread the staple article of diet.  Best kind of bread.  Objections to it.  How groundless they are.  Fondness, for hot, new bread not natural.  Fondness of change.  What it indicates.  How it is caused.  Train up a child in the way he should go.  We can like what food we please.  Second best kind of bread.  Other kinds.  Plain puddings.  Indian cakes.  Salt may be used, in moderate quantity, but no other condiments.  Of butter, cheese, milk, &c.  Potatoes, turnips, onions, beets, and other roots.  Beans, peas, and asparagus.  No fat or gravies should be used.

Project Gutenberg
The Young Mother from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.