The Vanishing Man eBook

R Austin Freeman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about The Vanishing Man.

The Vanishing Man eBook

R Austin Freeman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about The Vanishing Man.

“When you searched the drawing-room, did you look behind the piano?”

“No, I didn’t?” Miss Dobbs replied scornfully.

“Did you look under the sofa?”

“Certainly not!”

“What did you do, then?”

“We opened the door and looked into the room.  We were not looking for a cat or a monkey; we were looking for a middle-aged gentleman.”

“And am I to take it that your search over the rest of the house was conducted in a similar manner?”

“Certainly.  We looked into the rooms, but we did not search under the beds or in the cupboards.”

“Are all the rooms in the house in use as living or sleeping rooms?”

“No; there is one room on the second floor that is used as a store and lumber room, and one on the first floor that Mr. Hurst uses to store trunks and things that he is not using.”

“Did you look in those rooms when you searched the house?”


“Have you looked in them since?”

“I have been in the lumber-room since, but not in the other.  It is always kept locked.”

At this point an ominous flattening became apparent in his lordship’s eyelids, but these symptoms passed off when Mr. Heath sat down and indicated that he had no further questions to ask.

Miss Dobbs once more prepared to step down from the witness-box, when Mr. Loram shot up like a jack-in-the-box.

“You have made certain statements,” said he, “concerning the scarab which Mr. Bellingham was accustomed to wear suspended from his watch-guard.  You say that he was not wearing it when he came to Mr. Hurst’s house on the twenty-third of November, nineteen hundred and two.  Are you quite sure of that?”

“Quite sure.”

“I must ask you to be very careful in your statement on this point.  The question is a highly important one.  Do you swear that the scarab was not hanging from his watch-guard?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Did you notice the watch-guard particularly?”

“No, not particularly.”

“Then what makes you so sure that the scarab was not attached to it?”

“It couldn’t have been.”

“Why could it not?”

“Because if it had been there I should have seen it.”

“What kind of a watch-guard was Mr. Bellingham wearing?”

“Oh, an ordinary sort of watch-guard.”

“I mean, was it a chain or a ribbon or a strap?”

“A chain, I think—­or perhaps a ribbon—­or it might have been a strap.”

His lordship flattened his eyelids, but made no further sign, and Mr. Loram continued: 

“Did you or did you not notice what kind of watch-guard Mr. Bellingham was wearing?”

“I did not.  Why should I?  It was no business of mine.”

“But yet you are sure about the scarab?”

“Yes, quite sure.”

“You noticed that, then?”

“No, I didn’t.  How could I when it wasn’t there?”

Project Gutenberg
The Vanishing Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.