England's Antiphon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about England's Antiphon.

England's Antiphon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about England's Antiphon.

  “Mother, do way thy wepynde:  give over thy weeping.
  I thole death for mankind—­ suffer.
    For my guilt thole I none.” 
  “Son, I feel the dede stounde; death-pang.
  The sword is at my heart’s ground bottom.
    That me byhet Simeon.” foreshowed.

  “Mother, mercy! let me die,
  For Adam out of hell buy, for to buy Adam.
    And his kin that is forlore.” lost.
  “Son, what shall me to rede?[2]
  My pain paineth me to dede:  death.
    Let me die thee before!”

“Mother, thou rue all of thy bairn;   rue thou; all is only expletive
Thou wash away the bloody tern;       wash thou; tears.
It doth me worse than my ded.”      hurts me more; death.
“Son, how may I teres werne?          turn aside tears.
I see the bloody streames erne        flow.
From thy heart to my fet.”          feet.

  “Mother, now I may thee seye, say to thee.
  Better is that I one deye die.
    Than all mankind to helle go.” 
  “Son, I see thy body byswongen, lashed.
  Feet and hands throughout stongen:  pierced through and through.
    No wonder though me be woe.” woe be to me.

  “Mother, now I shall thee tell,
  If I not die, thou goest to hell: 
    I thole death for thy sake.” endure.
  “Son, thou art so meek and mynde, thoughtful.
  Ne wyt me not, it is my kind[3]
    That I for thee this sorrow make.”

  “Mother, now thou mayst well leren learn.
  What sorrow have that children beren, they have; bear.
    What sorrow it is with childe gon.” to go.
  “Sorrow, I wis!  I can thee tell! 
  But it be the pain of hell except.
    More sorrow wot I none.”

  “Mother, rue of mother-care, take pity upon.
  For now thou wost of mother-fare, knowest.
    Though thou be clean maiden mon."[4]
  “Sone, help at alle need
  Alle those that to me grede, cry.
    Maiden, wife, and full wymmon.” woman with child.

  “Mother, may I no longer dwell;
  The time is come I shall to hell;
    The third day I rise upon.” 
  “Son, I will with thee founden; set out, go.
  I die, I wis, for thy wounden: 
    So sorrowful death nes never none.” was not never none.

Project Gutenberg
England's Antiphon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.