Sustained honor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about Sustained honor.

Sustained honor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about Sustained honor.

Depending only on God and nature, the simple backwoodsman came to regard God as his only master and, like the Swiss patriot, would bow his knee to none other.  Men were left free to adopt such religious views and tenets as they chose, and the generous laws protected every man alike in his religious opinions.  Ministers of the gospel and priests, being presumed to be devoted to humanity, charity and general benevolence, were precluded by many State constitutions from any participation in the legislative authority, and their compensation depended wholly upon the voluntary aid of those among whom they labored in charity and love.  In the wide district where the Stevens lived, the country was too sparsely settled to support a stationed minister, and “preaching” was a luxury.  Unsustained by the rigid precepts of law in any privileges, perquisites, fixed revenue, prescribed by reverence or authority, except such as was voluntarily acknowledged, the clergy found that success depended upon the due cultivation of popular talents.  Zeal for the great cause mixed, perhaps, with a spice of earthly ambition, the innate sense of emulation and laudable pride, a desire of distinction among their cotemporaries and brethren, prompted them to seek popularity, and to study all the arts and means of winning the popular favor.

Travelling from month to month through dark forests, with such ample time for deep thought, as they ambled slowly along the lonesome horse path or unfrequented roads, they naturally acquired a pensive and romantic turn of thought and expression, which is often favorable to eloquence.  Hence their preaching was of the highly popular cast, such as immortalized Peter Cartwright.  The first aim was to excite the ministers; hence, too, excitement, or, in religious parlance, “awakenings,” or “revivals” became common.  Living remote from each other, and spending much of their time in domestic solitude in vast forests or wide spreading prairies, the “appointment” for preaching was looked upon as a gala-day, or a pleasing change, which brought together the auditors from remote points, and gratified a feeling of curiosity, which prompted the pioneers to associate and interchange cordial congratulations.

As yet no meeting house had been erected in all the region where the Stevens lived.  The meeting on Bear Creek was at the home of Mr. Moore, who was the happy possessor of a “double log cabin.”  One cabin or room was cleared of furniture, and sawn boards, placed on sticks of wood on end, furnished the seats.  These were occupied and the “entry” between the cabins was filled by children.  The preacher, who was also chorister, took his position near the door so as to accommodate those without as well as those within.  He opened his saddle-bags and, pushing back his soiled linen, took out his bible and hymn-book and, proceeding to “line a hymn,” “started it” himself, the congregation all joining.

Project Gutenberg
Sustained honor from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.