The Bravo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about The Bravo.

The Bravo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about The Bravo.

“Santissima Maria!  You may be the Doge himself, Signore, for anything I know of your countenance; but I could swear at the altar you ought to be of the Senate for your sagacity!  If this lady will not be burdened with many effects, and there is yet time, I might humor the tastes of the Dalmatians with certain of the articles that come from the countries beyond the pillars of Hercules!”

“Thou art the judge of the probability thyself, since they told thee of the nature of thy errand.”

“San Gennaro of Napoli open my eyes!—­They said not a word beyond this little fact, that a youthful lady, in whom the Senate had great interest, would quit the city this night for the eastern coast.  If it is at all agreeable to your conscience, Master Roderigo, I should be happy to hear who are to be her companions?”

“Of that thou shalt hear more in proper season.  In the meantime, I would recommend to thee a cautious tongue, for St. Mark makes no idle jokes with those who offend him.  I am glad to see thee in this state of preparation, worthy padrone, and wishing thee a happy night, and a prosperous voyage, I commit thee to thy patron.  But hold—­ere I quit thee, I would know the hour that the land-breeze will serve?”

“You are exact as a compass in your own matters, Signore, but of little charity to thy friends!  With the burning sun of to-day we should have the air of the Alps about the turn of the night.”

“’Tis well.  My eye shall be on thee.  Once more, addio!”

“Cospetto! and thou hast said nothing of the cargo?”

“’Twill not be so weighty in bulk as in value,” carelessly answered Jacopo, shoving his gondola from the side of the felucca.  The fall of his oar into the water succeeded, and as Stefano stood, meditating the chances of his speculation on his deck, the boat glided away towards the quay with a swift but easy movement.

Deceit, like the windings of that subtle animal the fox, often crosses its own path.  It consequently throws out those by whom it is practised, as well as those who art meant to be its victims.  When Jacopo parted from Don Camillo, it was with an understanding that he should adopt all the means that his native sagacity or his experience might suggest, to ascertain in what manner the council intended to dispose of the person of Donna Yioletta.  They had separated on the Lido, and as none knew of their interview but him, and none would probably suspect their recent alliance, the Bravo entered on his new duty with some chances of success, that might otherwise have been lost.  A change of its agents, in affairs of peculiar delicacy, was one of the ordinary means taken by the Republic to avoid investigation.  Jacopo had often been its instrument in negotiating with the mariner, who, as has been so plainly intimated, had frequently been engaged in carrying into effect its secret, and perhaps justifiable measures of police; but in no instance had it ever been found necessary to interpose a second

Project Gutenberg
The Bravo from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.