Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.
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Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.

He blamed himself exceedingly and told me in the most generous manner that he had been very wrong and that he begged my pardon a thousand times.  At that I laughed, but trembled a little too, for I was rather fluttered after being so fiery.

“To accept this offer, my dear Esther,” said he, sitting down beside me and resuming our conversation, “—­once more, pray, pray forgive me; I am deeply grieved—­to accept my dearest cousin’s offer is, I need not say, impossible.  Besides, I have letters and papers that I could show you which would convince you it is all over here.  I have done with the red coat, believe me.  But it is some satisfaction, in the midst of my troubles and perplexities, to know that I am pressing Ada’s interests in pressing my own.  Vholes has his shoulder to the wheel, and he cannot help urging it on as much for her as for me, thank God!”

His sanguine hopes were rising within him and lighting up his features, but they made his face more sad to me than it had been before.

“No, no!” cried Richard exultingly.  “If every farthing of Ada’s little fortune were mine, no part of it should be spent in retaining me in what I am not fit for, can take no interest in, and am weary of.  It should be devoted to what promises a better return, and should be used where she has a larger stake.  Don’t be uneasy for me!  I shall now have only one thing on my mind, and Vholes and I will work it.  I shall not be without means.  Free of my commission, I shall be able to compound with some small usurers who will hear of nothing but their bond now—­Vholes says so.  I should have a balance in my favour anyway, but that would swell it.  Come, come!  You shall carry a letter to Ada from me, Esther, and you must both of you be more hopeful of me and not believe that I am quite cast away just yet, my dear.”

I will not repeat what I said to Richard.  I know it was tiresome, and nobody is to suppose for a moment that it was at all wise.  It only came from my heart.  He heard it patiently and feelingly, but I saw that on the two subjects he had reserved it was at present hopeless to make any representation to him.  I saw too, and had experienced in this very interview, the sense of my guardian’s remark that it was even more mischievous to use persuasion with him than to leave him as he was.

Therefore I was driven at last to asking Richard if he would mind convincing me that it really was all over there, as he had said, and that it was not his mere impression.  He showed me without hesitation a correspondence making it quite plain that his retirement was arranged.  I found, from what he told me, that Mr. Vholes had copies of these papers and had been in consultation with him throughout.  Beyond ascertaining this, and having been the bearer of Ada’s letter, and being (as I was going to be) Richard’s companion back to London, I had done no good by coming down.  Admitting this to myself with a reluctant heart, I said I would return to the hotel and wait until he joined me there, so he threw a cloak over his shoulders and saw me to the gate, and Charley and I went back along the beach.

Project Gutenberg
Bleak House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.