The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood.

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood.

While the others were speaking, Robin Hood had been sunk in thought.  “Methinks I have a plan might fit thy case, Allan,” said he.  “But tell me first, thinkest thou, lad, that thy true love hath spirit enough to marry thee were ye together in church, the banns published, and the priest found, even were her father to say her nay?”

“Ay, marry would she,” cried Allan eagerly.

“Then, if her father be the man that I take him to be, I will undertake that he shall give you both his blessing as wedded man and wife, in the place of old Sir Stephen, and upon his wedding morn.  But stay, now I bethink me, there is one thing reckoned not upon—­the priest.  Truly, those of the cloth do not love me overmuch, and when it comes to doing as I desire in such a matter, they are as like as not to prove stiff-necked.  As to the lesser clergy, they fear to do me a favor because of abbot or bishop.

“Nay,” quoth Will Scarlet, laughing, “so far as that goeth, I know of a certain friar that, couldst thou but get on the soft side of him, would do thy business even though Pope Joan herself stood forth to ban him.  He is known as the Curtal Friar of Fountain Abbey, and dwelleth in Fountain Dale.”

“But,” quoth Robin, “Fountain Abbey is a good hundred miles from here.  An we would help this lad, we have no time to go thither and back before his true love will be married.  Nought is to be gained there, coz.”

“Yea,” quoth Will Scarlet, laughing again, “but this Fountain Abbey is not so far away as the one of which thou speakest, uncle.  The Fountain Abbey of which I speak is no such rich and proud place as the other, but a simple little cell; yet, withal, as cosy a spot as ever stout anchorite dwelled within.  I know the place well, and can guide thee thither, for, though it is a goodly distance, yet methinks a stout pair of legs could carry a man there and back in one day.”

“Then give me thy hand, Allan,” cried Robin, “and let me tell thee, I swear by the bright hair of Saint AElfrida that this time two days hence Ellen a Dale shall be thy wife.  I will seek this same Friar of Fountain Abbey tomorrow day, and I warrant I will get upon the soft side of him, even if I have to drub one soft.”

At this Will Scarlet laughed again.  “Be not too sure of that, good uncle,” quoth he, “nevertheless, from what I know of him, I think this Curtal Friar will gladly join two such fair lovers, more especially if there be good eating and drinking afoot thereafter.”

But now one of the band came to say that the feast was spread upon the grass; so, Robin leading the way, the others followed to where the goodly feast was spread.  Merry was the meal.  Jest and story passed freely, and all laughed till the forest rang again.  Allan laughed with the rest, for his cheeks were flushed with the hope that Robin Hood had given him.

At last the feast was done, and Robin Hood turned to Allan, who sat beside him.  “Now, Allan,” quoth he, “so much has been said of thy singing that we would fain have a taste of thy skill ourselves.  Canst thou not give us something?”

Project Gutenberg
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.