Moorish Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 393 pages of information about Moorish Literature.

Moorish Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 393 pages of information about Moorish Literature.

“That is an easy thing,” said the jackal, and immediately blowed in order to summon his brothers.  They gathered around him, and he gave them this command:  “My brothers, save me from Half-a-Cock, for it has a hair from my back which it has put in the fire.  I don’t want to burn.  Take Half-a-Cock out of the sheep-pen, and you will be able to take my hair from its hands.”  At once the jackals rushed to the pen, strangled everything that was there, and rescued Half-a-Cock.  The next day the King found his stables deserted and his animals killed.  He sought for Half-a-Cock, but in vain.  The latter, the next day at the supper hour, began to crow as it did the first time.  The prince called his negroes and said to them: 

“Seize Half-a-Cock and cast him into the cattle-yard so that it may be crushed under their feet.”

The negroes caught Half-a-Cock and threw him into the middle of the cow-pen.  As soon as it reached there, it took the lion’s hair and put it into the fire.  The lion came, roaring, and said: 

“Why do you burn my hair?  I smelled from my cave the odor of burning hair, and came running to learn the motive of your action.”

Half-a-Cock answered:  “You see my situation.  Help me out of it.”

The lion went out and roared to call his brothers.  They came in great haste and said to him, “Why do you call us now?”

“Take the Half-a-Cock from the ox-yard, for it has one of my hairs, which it can put into the fire.  If you don’t rescue Half-a-Cock, it will burn the hair, and I don’t want to smell the odor of burning hair while I am alive.”

His brothers obeyed.  They at once killed all the cattle in the pen.  The King saw that his animals were all dead, and he fell into such a rage that he nearly strangled.  He looked for Half-a-Cock to kill it with his own hands.  He searched a long time without finding it, and finally went home to rest.  At sunset Half-a-Cock came to his usual place and crowed as on the former occasions.  The King called his negroes and said to them: 

“This time when you have caught Half-a-Cock, put it in a house and shut all the doors till morning.  I will kill it myself.”

The negroes seized him immediately and put him in the treasure-room.  When it got there, it saw money under its feet.  It waited till it had nothing to fear from the masters of the house, who were all sound asleep, took from under its wing the hair of the boar, started a fire, and placed the hair in it.  At once the boar came running and shaking the earth.  It thrust its head against the wall.  The wall shook and half of it fell down, and going to Half-a-Cock the boar said: 

“Why are you burning my hair at this moment?”

“Pardon me, you see the situation in which I am, without counting what awaits me in the morning, for the King is going to kill me with his own hands if you don’t get me out of this prison.”

The boar replied:  “The thing is easy; fear not, I will open the door so that you may go out.  In fact, you have stayed here long enough.  Get up, go and take money enough for you and your children.”

Project Gutenberg
Moorish Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.