The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.

The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.
Sentences:  On account of his ____ course he had given his parents
many a problem to ____.  He ____ the powder in a cupful of water and ____
to give it to the patient.  This ____ of the difficulty did not win the
____ approval of his employer.  The obstacles were many, but he was ____.

Spec(t), spic(e) (look):  (1) spectator, spectacle, suspect, aspect, prospect, expect, respectable, disrespect, inspection, speculate, special, especial, species, specify, specimen, spice, suspicion, conspicuous, despise, despite, spite; (2) specter, spectrum, spectroscope, prospector, prospectus, introspection, retrospect, circumspectly, conspectus, perspective, specie, specification, specious, despicable, auspices, perspicacity, frontispiece, respite.

Sentences:  His ____ was conducted in such a manner as to show the
utmost ____.  In ____ she noticed an odor of ____.  From his ____ you would
have taken him to be a ____ of wild animal.  The ____ was better than we
had ____ it to be.  Though you have no ____ fondness for children, you will
enjoy the ____ of them playing together.  The ____ did not ____ what
underhand tactics some of the players were resorting to.  In ____ of all
this, we made a ____ showing.  The ____ is one you cannot ____.  ____ this
____ of matters, she did not ____ the cause of her ____, but let him ____
what it might be.

Spire, spirit (breathe, breath):  (1 and 2 combined) spirit, spiritual, perspire, transpire, respire, aspire, conspiracy, inspiration, expiration, esprit de corps.

Sentences:  At the ____ of a few days it ____ that a ____ had
actually been formed.  The ____ of the division was such that every man
____ to meet the enemy forthwith.  He was a man of much ____ and marked
powers of ____.  As he lay there, he merely ____ and ____; he had no
thought whatsoever of things ____.

Sta, sti(t), sist (stand):  (1) stand, stage, statue, stall, stationary, state, reinstate, station, forestall, instant, instance, distance, constant, withstand, understand, circumstance, estate, establish, substance, obstacle, obstinate, destiny, destination, destitute, substitute, superstition, desist, persist, resist, insist, assist, exist, consistent, stead, rest, restore, restaurant, contrast; (2) stature, statute, stadium, stability, instable, static, statistics, ecstasy, stamen, stamina, standard, stanza, stanchion, capstan, extant, constabulary, apostate, transubstantiation, status quo, armistice, solstice, interstice, institute, restitution, constituent, subsistence, pre-existence, presto.

Sentences:  The ____ of the motion was that the student who had been
expelled should be ____.  He ____ in his ____ resolution to go on the ____. 
She could not ____ the pleas of ____ people.  He ____ her to alight at the
____.  In an ____ you shall ____ what the ____ was that drove me to
tempt ____ thus.  We had gone but a little ____ when I perceived by the
hungry working of his jaws that his ____ was the ____ in the next block. 
No ____ could cause him to ____.  She was ____ in a ____ at the bazaar.

Stead (place):  (1 and 2 combined) stead, steadfast, instead, homestead, farmstead, roadstead, bestead.

Project Gutenberg
The Century Vocabulary Builder from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.