The Magnetic North eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 607 pages of information about The Magnetic North.

The Magnetic North eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 607 pages of information about The Magnetic North.


“Well, since you’re on time, you better come on the night shift, instead o’ that lazy friend o’ yours.”

“Oh, he ain’t lazy—­been up hours.  An old acquaintance dropped in; he’ll be down in a minute.”

“‘Tisn’t only his bein’ late.  You better come on the shift.”

“Don’t think I could do that.  What’s the matter?”

“Don’t say there’s anything very much the matter yet.  But he’s sick, ain’t he?”

“Sick?  No, except as we all are—­sick o’ the eternal glare.”

The Colonel was coming slowly down the hill.  Of course, a man doesn’t look his best if he hasn’t slept.  The Boy limped a little way back to meet him.

“Anything the matter with you, Colonel?”

“Well, my Bonanza headache ain’t improved.”

“I suppose you wouldn’ like me to take over the job for two or three days?”

“You?  Crippled!  Look here—­” The Colonel flushed suddenly.  “Austin been sayin’ anything?”

“Oh, I was just thinkin’ about the sun.”

“Well, when I want to go in out of the sun, I’ll say so.”  And, walking more quickly than he had done for long, he left his companion, marched down to the creek, and took his place near the puddling-box.

By the time the Boy got to the little patch of shade, offered by the staging, Austin had turned his back on the gang, and was going to speak to the gateman at the locks.  He had evidently left the Colonel very much enraged at some curt comment.

“He meant it for us all,” the Dublin gentleman was saying soothingly.  By-and-by, as they worked undisturbed, serenity returned.  Oh, the Colonel was all right—­even more chipper than usual.  What a good-looking fella he was, with that clear skin and splendid colour!

A couple of hours later the Colonel set his long shovel against the nearest of the poles steadying the sluice, and went over to the staging for a drink.  He lifted the can of weak tea to his lips and took a long draught, handed the can back to the Boy, and leant against the staging.  They talked a minute or two in undertones.

A curt voice behind said:  “Looks like you’ve got a deal to attend to to-day, beside your work.”

They looked round, and there was Austin.  As the Colonel saw who it was had spoken, the clear colour in the tan deepened; he threw back his shoulders, hesitated, and then, without a word, went and took up his shovel.

Austin walked on.  The Boy kept looking at his friend.  What was the matter with the Colonel?  It was not only that his eyes were queer—­most of the men complained of their eyes, unless they slept in cabins.  But whether through sun-blindness or shaken by anger, the Colonel was handling his shovel uncertainly, fumbling at the gravel, content with half a shovelful, and sometimes gauging the distance to the box so badly that some of the pay fell down again in the creek.  As Austin came back on the other side of the line, he stopped opposite to where the Colonel worked, and suddenly called:  “Seymour!”

Project Gutenberg
The Magnetic North from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.