Paul Berg Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 3 pages of information about the life of Paul Berg.

Paul Berg Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 3 pages of information about the life of Paul Berg.
This section contains 602 words
(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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World of Scientific Discovery on Paul Berg

Paul Berg is considered one of the few pioneers in molecular biology. His work with recombinant DNA provided scientists with a very valuable laboratory technique. Berg worked with cloning genes from two different organisms. These hybrid DNA molecules could be produced in larger amounts and the DNA sequence could then be determined. It was also possible to change the genes and put them back into the cells from which they were obtained to determine the effects these specific changes would have on the gene function. Genes from one organism, such as a bacteria, virus, or yeast cell, could be introduced into the cells of another simple organism by the same technique, thus adding new functions to organisms. Later, microorganisms were developed that would synthesize compounds useful in research, commerce, and medicine. Today, insulin and factor VIII are two common drugs produced by recombinant organisms that help treat diabetes...

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This section contains 602 words
(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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