Jules Roy Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 27 pages of information about the life of Jules Roy.

Jules Roy Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 27 pages of information about the life of Jules Roy.
This section contains 8,084 words
(approx. 27 pages at 300 words per page)
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Dictionary of Literary Biography on Jules Roy

Jules Roy is the foremost French military writer of the twentieth century, and, after Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the chief practitioner, along with Joseph Kessel, of a peculiarly modern genre, the literature of aviation. He is an outstanding example of the moraliste, that is, a writer who studies human behavior and mores, either in the personal or the impersonal mode, and proposes values and standards. Principally a novelist, he also composes plays, two of which were successful on the Paris stage; dozens of articles, some of the most important of which are collected in L'Homme à l'épée (The Man with the Sword, 1957; enlarged edition, 1970) and Autour du drame (Concerning the Drama, 1961); poems (especially at the outset of his career); and several biographical, historical, and polemical volumes and personal essays. During his military career, which spanned a quarter-century, he saw profound changes in warfare...

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This section contains 8,084 words
(approx. 27 pages at 300 words per page)
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