(George) Warwick Deeping Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 14 pages of information about the life of (George) Warwick Deeping.

(George) Warwick Deeping Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 14 pages of information about the life of (George) Warwick Deeping.
This section contains 4,146 words
(approx. 14 pages at 300 words per page)
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Dictionary of Literary Biography on (George) Warwick Deeping

Warwick Deeping was aptly described in his obituary in The New York Times as "one of the most prolific modern writers of light fiction." In addition to about seventy published novels, six of which appeared posthumously, Deeping published several collections of short stories, many of which had already appeared in magazines ranging from Harpers to The Saturday Evening Post. Most of his novels were published in both England and the United States and many in Canada; more than twenty were translated into other languages, such as German, French, Polish, Danish, Italian, and one into Slovenian. Perhaps the best indicator of their popularity is the annual appearance from 1926 to 1932 of at least one Deeping novel among the ten best-selling fiction books listed by Publishers Weekly, with two Deeping novels on the list for 1927: Doomsday and Sorrell and Son, the latter appearing for its second consecutive year. In 1973 Sorrell and...

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This section contains 4,146 words
(approx. 14 pages at 300 words per page)
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