George H. F. Nuttall Biography

George H. F. Nuttall

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George Henry Falkiner Nuttall is noteworthy for his accomplishments while at Cambridge University in England; his research was concerned with parasites and of insect carriers of microbiological diseases. He was instrumental in establishing a diploma course in tropical medicine. In 1907, Nuttall moved into a new laboratory. There, he carried out research that clarified the disease of piroplasmosis, a still-serious disease of domesticated animals such as cattle. He showed that Trypan Blue could be used as a treatment. During this period, space limitations of the laboratory prompted him to seek funding to build and equip a new institute for parasitological research.

His efforts were successful, and he established the Molteno Institute for Research in Parasitology at Cambridge in 1921. The institute was named in honor of a South African farming family who were the principle financial backers of the initiative. He became the institute's first Director.

Nuttall's years at The Molteno Institute were spent in parasitological research and research on the cytochrome system of insects.

Nuttall was born in San Francisco. His early years were spent in Europe. He returned to America to train as a physician, receiving his M.D. from the University of California in 1884. He then undertook research on various microbiological and immunological projects in laboratories in North America and Europe. His burgeoning interest in parasitology and the role of insects and other agents of disease transmission led him to pursue further study. He received a Ph.D. in biology from the University of Göttingen in 1890. In 1899, at the age of 38, he moved to Cambridge, where he became a full Professor of biology in 1906.

Nuttall also contributed much the scientific literature. In 1901, he established and was founding editor of the Journal of Hygiene, and in 1908 founded and edited Parasitology. His writing includes Blood Immunity and Blood Relationships in 1904 and The Bacteriology of Diphtheria in 1908.