(Arthur) Joyce (Lunel) Cary Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 15 pages of information about the life of (Arthur) Joyce (Lunel) Cary.

(Arthur) Joyce (Lunel) Cary Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 15 pages of information about the life of (Arthur) Joyce (Lunel) Cary.
This section contains 4,453 words
(approx. 15 pages at 300 words per page)
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Dictionary of Literary Biography on (Arthur) Joyce (Lunel) Cary

Although he was primarily a novelist, and one whose artistic stature will probably increase with time, Joyce Cary's occasional prose writings are of considerable interest. Several of his autobiographical and travel impressions--reminiscent at times of William Golding's essays in a similar vein--are delightful sketches that reveal an admirably practical man and an integrated personality. Yet by his own testimony, such integrity came only as the result of a long and hard apprenticeship to life and art: in his training, he had to find his own way to self-expression; as with most artists, his formal education was of little practical help with either his writing or his painting. Having had to work on his own from a relatively early age, whether as an inexperienced district officer administering a remote region of northern Nigeria or as a novelist attempting to encompass a vast social range in his fiction, Cary was...

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This section contains 4,453 words
(approx. 15 pages at 300 words per page)
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