Everything you need to understand or teach Whipping Star by Frank Herbert.
Whipping Star is conceptual writing on a grand scale. In this novel, the principal concept is that stars are part of living beings. Much of the appeal of the novel is developing the implications of the main idea. In this sense, Herbert's Dune (1965) is an extraordinary achievement because it has more than one important concept worked out in convincingly thorough detail. By comparison, Whipping Star is a lean novel; its principal concept is developed at a rapid pace. Even so, instead of seeming slight or poorly developed, the theme is exhilarating because its details are elaborated thoroughly.
In some ways, Herbert's Dune is a cautionary tale about powerful leaders; Whipping Star also examines power through its characters. In Dune, Paul wields godlike powers through his ability to know and shape the future.
Ultimately, his humanity is his downfall because he subjugates his powers to...