Victory. Stand! Summary
Dawud Anyabwile, Derrick Barnes, and Tommie Smith

Everything you need to understand or teach Victory. Stand! by Dawud Anyabwile, Derrick Barnes, and Tommie Smith.

  • Victory. Stand! Summary & Study Guide

Victory. Stand! Overview

Victory. Stand! Is a memoir written in the style of a graphic novel credited to Tommie Smith, Derrick Barnes, and Dawud Anyabwile. The book tells the true story of Smith’s early life as well as the stand he took against racial injustice during the Olympics in Mexico in the mid-twentieth century. The novel is told from the first person perspective and is largely set in Texas and California. It explores themes such as The Importance of a Good Start, The Importance of Making a Difference in the World, The Importance of Faith in Smith’s Life, The Important Role Black Athletes Play in the Fight for Civil Rights, and The Ability of Individual People in Making a Difference in the Lives of Others.

Study Pack

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