Too Many Magicians Summary
Randall Garrett

Everything you need to understand or teach Too Many Magicians by Randall Garrett.

  • Too Many Magicians Summary & Study Guide

Too Many Magicians Summary

Too Many Magicians explores two major themes common to the genre of detective fiction: the superiority of reason over impulse, and the variety of human responses to temptation. Reason is represented by the detective team of the novel: Lord Darcy, an investigator for the King's Justice, and his associate, forensic sorcerer Master Sean O Lochlainn. While Darcy has the superior gifts of deduction, and knowledge of self-defense, interrogation, and tactics, he must rely on Master Sean's scientific expertise and psychic gifts to gather the necessary evidence upon which to base his deductions. Neither can afford to let his imagination lead him far away from the paths of probability. For contrast, another investigator, Lord Bontriomphe, for all his remarkable memory for detail, and genuine narrative ability, makes himself look ridiculous doing just that. More importantly, neither Darcy nor Master Sean can afford to give way to impulse, for their...

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Study Pack

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