The Truth about Lorin Jones Summary
Alison Lurie

Everything you need to understand or teach The Truth about Lorin Jones by Alison Lurie.

  • The Truth about Lorin Jones Summary & Study Guide

The Truth about Lorin Jones Summary

Lurie uses the plot of The Truth about Lorin Jones to explore the implications of the feminist movement that began in the 1960s and to criticize women who use the movement to denigrate men. Polly Alter, the major protagonist, is one of these misguided women. She begins researching the life of the dead painter Lorin Jones in order to prove an anti-male thesis: the men in Lorin's life, from her half brother to her husband to her lover, prevented her from realizing her full potential as an artist. What Polly discovers from her research is that Lorin was responsible for her own failing as an artist. She used mind-altering drugs and took unnecessary risks that led to an early death. Polly's recognition of Lorin's own culpability leads her, by the end of the novel, to a pro-male thesis: the men in Lorin's life, rather...

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The Truth about Lorin Jones Short Guide