The Stones of Nomuru Summary
L. Sprague de Camp

Everything you need to understand or teach The Stones of Nomuru by L. Sprague de Camp.

  • The Stones of Nomuru Summary & Study Guide

The Stones of Nomuru Summary

In addition to several strands of social commentary, blighted love is a theme of the novel. Keith Salazar and his ex-wife Kara spend most of the book doing a kind of love dance, with Keith continually making advances and Kara avoiding them. This theme is deepened by Keith's history of cruel and selfish behavior. His earnest efforts to woo Kara generate ambivalence; it is hard to root for his success because she is probably better off without him. Yet one cannot shake the feeling that he is trying to make up somehow for his past behavior, even though he continues to repeat the same selfish pattern. The love dance is therefore filled with unresolved tension and conflicting emotions.

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Study Pack

The The Stones of Nomuru Study Pack contains:

The Stones of Nomuru Short Guide