The Life and Death of Crazy Horse Summary
Russell Freedman

Everything you need to understand or teach The Life and Death of Crazy Horse by Russell Freedman.

  • The Life and Death of Crazy Horse Summary & Study Guide

The Life and Death of Crazy Horse Summary

This book is not only a biography of the most famous of all Sioux warriors and leaders but documents a history of a people, the Lakota Sioux. As the United States expanded westward on the Oregon Trail during the latter part of the nineteenth century, the presence of ranchers, miners, and soldiers to protect them, changed the Indians' way of life. As a member of the Oglalas, one of seven tribes of the Teton or Lakota Sioux, Crazy Horse represented the Indians who wished to maintain their own way of life on their hunting grounds but were labeled "hostiles" by U.S soldiers, miners and ranchers.

Because much of the specifics regarding Crazy Horse's life were not recorded until fifty years after his death, when two women traveled the Indian lands to interview friends and relatives, Freedman had to find a way to fill in the missing gaps...

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