Everything you need to understand or teach The Harrowing of Gwynedd by Katherine Kurtz.
Three major characters share center stage in The Harrowing of Gwynedd, a tale of intrigue and high fantasy.
Evaine MacRorie, the only surviving daughter of Camber, had worked with her father in his scholarly and occult pursuits. She appears frequently in the preceding trilogy, but without revealing much about her personality or motives. In The Harrowing of Gwynedd, however, she is the primary focus of the action. With Camber, King Cinhil, Evaine's husband Rhys Thuryn, and many other towering figures gone, the remaining Deryni look to Evaine for aid and leadership. And what an extraordinary leader she turns out to be.
With her rare insight into present and threatened political developments, she skillfully holds together a diverse group of talented and sometimes erratic Deryni nobles. At the same time she is the only one qualified to do the necessary research into the forgotten and proscribed mystical lore that...