The Ground Beneath Her Feet Summary
Salman Rushdie

Everything you need to understand or teach The Ground Beneath Her Feet by Salman Rushdie.

  • The Ground Beneath Her Feet Summary & Study Guide
  • 5 Literature Criticisms
  • ...and more

The Ground Beneath Her Feet Summary

Rushdie has been described as the man who "redrew the literary map of India."

The enormous ambition required by a project of those dimensions is evident in the complex intermixture of themes in The Ground Beneath Her Feet. His vision of the human universe at the end of the twentieth century is one of chaos and instability verging on the edge of cataclysmic, even apocalyptic occurrences. Using the recent prevalence of major earthquakes...

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Study Pack

The The Ground Beneath Her Feet Study Pack contains:

The Ground Beneath Her Feet Short Guide