The Deadliest Game Summary
Tom Clancy

Everything you need to understand or teach The Deadliest Game by Tom Clancy.

  • The Deadliest Game Summary & Study Guide

The Deadliest Game Summary

In The Deadliest Game, third of the Net Force books, an unknown master programmer has taken the events in an on-line computer game too seriously and is "bouncing"—as the outside removals of players are called—players by burglarizing their homes and trashing their computers. The bouncer even is willing to commit murder in real life in order to have his or her way in the virtual reality of Sarxos, a fantasy role-playing game. As in the other Net Force novels, teenagers, mostly members of Net Force Explorers, a group sponsored by the FBI's Net Force and led by the somewhat obtuse Captain James Winters, defy authority, use deductive reasoning, and through courage and intelligence track down evildoers. In The Deadliest Game, Net Force Explorers Megan and Leif race to find the bouncer before they themselves are bounced—permanently.

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Study Pack

The The Deadliest Game Study Pack contains:

The Deadliest Game Short Guide