Sarah Josepha Hale Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Sarah Josepha Hale.

  • 5 Biographies
  • 11 Literature Criticisms
  • ...and more

Study Pack

The Sarah Josepha Hale Study Pack contains:

Biographies (5)

429 words, approx. 2 pages
Sarah Josepha (Buell) Hale (24 October 1788-30 April 1879), editor, poet, and novelist, was born in Newport, New Hampshire. She was well-educated in the classics by her family and her desire to learn ... Read more
4,653 words, approx. 16 pages
A fascinating, capable, and prolific author and, for fifty years, editor of her day's most successful magazine, Sarah Josepha Hale influenced immeasurably American middle-class mores. Sensitive to t... Read more
3,820 words, approx. 13 pages
Mention of the nineteenth-century woman's movement immediately brings to mind the names of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Bloomer, and Lucretia Mott. There were other women, however,... Read more
2,633 words, approx. 9 pages
An accomplished editor and author whose career spanned more than five decades, Sarah Josepha Hale was a successful and influential figure in the antebellum literary world. For more than four decades s... Read more
404 words, approx. 2 pages
For nearly 50 years Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879) was the editor of America's most influential women's magazine.Sarah Josepha Buell was born in Newport, N.H. She was educated at home and in October 1... Read more