Sara Josephine Baker Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Sara Josephine Baker.

  • 3 Biographies

Study Pack

The Sara Josephine Baker Study Pack contains:

Biographies (3)

1,035 words, approx. 4 pages
Sara Josephine Baker (1873-1945) was a physician working toward improving the public health care and reducing infant mortality rates substantially in New York City.Sara Josephine Baker was a pioneer i... Read more
750 words, approx. 3 pages
Sara Josephine Baker was a pioneer in public health care and preventive medicine in the early part of the twentieth century. Josephine Baker (as she preferred to be called) was born into a wealthy New... Read more
750 words, approx. 3 pages
Sara Josephine Baker was a pioneer in public health care and preventive medicine in the early part of the twentieth century. Josephine Baker (as she preferred to be called) was born into a wealthy New... Read more