Samuel Griswold Goodrich Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Samuel Griswold Goodrich.

  • 4 Biographies

Study Pack

The Samuel Griswold Goodrich Study Pack contains:

Biographies (4)

433 words, approx. 2 pages
SAMUEL GRISWOLD GOODRICH (19 August 1793-9 May 1860), author and publisher of juvenile literature, is known today for his series of Peter Parley books. Born at Ridgefield, Connecticut, Goodrich finish... Read more
1,784 words, approx. 6 pages
Samuel Griswold Goodrich was an author and editor of children's books in the nineteenth century, the most popular and successful of which appeared under his pseudonym, Peter Parley. Goodrich was the o... Read more
1,516 words, approx. 6 pages
"My name and all I have done will be forgotten," Samuel Griswold Goodrich wrote in his autobiography, Recollections of a Lifetime. To Americans in the mid 1800s, and especially to children, the predic... Read more
2,378 words, approx. 8 pages
Samuel Griswold Goodrich was a prolific author, editor, and publisher of children's books and periodicals, the best known of which were issued under the name of Peter Parley. Goodrich himself estimate... Read more