Robert M(yron) Coates Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Robert M(yron) Coates.

  • 3 Biographies

Study Pack

The Robert M(yron) Coates Study Pack contains:

Biographies (3)

1,136 words, approx. 4 pages
Although Robert M. Coates spent most of his life working as an art critic for the New Yorker, his literary career began in Paris where his first novel, The Eater of Darkness (1926), was published by R... Read more
3,637 words, approx. 13 pages
Robert Myron Coates, novelist, short-story writer, and art critic, is best known for his novel Wisteria Cottage (1948) and for numerous short stories published in the New Yorker from the 1930s throug... Read more
1,913 words, approx. 7 pages
Robert M. Coates 's most popular works were Wisteria Cottage (1948)--a murder mystery--and The Outlaw Years (1930), a nonfiction book about the land pirates of the Natchez Trace between 1800 and 1835... Read more