Philip Pendleton Cooke Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Philip Pendleton Cooke.

  • 3 Biographies

Study Pack

The Philip Pendleton Cooke Study Pack contains:

Biographies (3)

1,211 words, approx. 5 pages
Philip Pendleton Cooke (26 October 1816-20 January 1850) is one of the many American writers of whom it must be said that he died too young, full of talent that was demonstrated in a few published pie... Read more
2,613 words, approx. 9 pages
Commentators on the life and work of Philip Pendleton Cooke have often found it useful to compare him with John Keats. An enormously promising young lyric poet and a handsome, intelligent man, Cooke d... Read more
2,781 words, approx. 10 pages
Philip Pendleton Cooke, an antebellum Romantic writer, is important for his interesting and perceptive essays, as well as his four completed novelettes, which capture much of the spirit and scenery of... Read more