Paul Green Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Paul Green.

  • 3 Biographies
  • 10 Literature Criticisms
  • ...and more

Study Pack

The Paul Green Study Pack contains:

Biographies (3)

5,174 words, approx. 18 pages
Paul Green was born 17 March 1894 on a farm in Harnett County, near Lillington, North Carolina. He learned early what he has believed all his life--that the people who live on the land develop a riche... Read more
2,747 words, approx. 10 pages
Paul Green was born on a farm near Lillington, North Carolina. After graduation from Buies Creek Academy in 1914 he served as principal of the country school at Olive Branch, until he earned enough mo... Read more
2,768 words, approx. 10 pages
Paul Green was raised on a farm near Lillington, North Carolina. Born 17 March 1894, Paul Eliot Green was the third child by the second marriage of his father, William Archibald Green, a landowner who... Read more