"Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown" is an essay by English author Virginia Woolf. It was originally delivered as a paper to the Heretics Society in May of 1924, and later published by Hogarth Press in October of 1924. In the essay, Woolf disputes fellow novelist Arnold Bennett's claim that contemporary writers cannot create realistic characters. As she explores the merits behind this claim, she catalogues major recent changes in society and therefore in literature. The essay explores themes including Edwardian vs. Georgian literature, the writer's place in society, and the emergence of modernism.
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The writings of Virginia Woolf have always been admired by discriminating readers, but her work has suffered, as has that of many other major authors, periods of neglect by the literary establishment....
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Virginia Woolf is known primarily as a novelist rather than as an essayist, although she was a prolific writer of essays. Indeed, one of her advocates has gone so far as to say that her reputation as ...
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Although Virginia Woolf published only eighteen works of short fiction, she was engaged in writing short stories, sketches, and even experimental prose poems throughout her writing career. Recent rese...
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The English novelist, critic, and essayist Virginia Stephen Woolf (1882-1941) ranks as one of England's most distinguished writers of the period between World War I and World War II. Her novels can pe...
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Biography EssayThe writings of Virginia Woolf have always been admired by discriminating readers, but her work has suffered, as has that of many other major authors, periods of neglect by the literary...
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English writer Virginia Woolf was one of the most innovative and influential literary figures of the twentieth century. A prolific author of essays, journals, letters, and long and short fiction, she ...
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