Kathleen Kenyon Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Kathleen Kenyon.

  • 2 Encyclopedia Articles

Study Pack

The Kathleen Kenyon Study Pack contains:

Encyclopedia Articles (2)

921 words, approx. 4 pages
Kenyon, Kathleen KENYON, KATHLEEN. Kathleen Mary Kenyon (1906–1978) was born in London on January 5, 1906. She graduated from Somerville College, Oxford, in 1929, and in 1934 she cofounded, wit... Read more
1,675 words, approx. 6 pages
Kathleen M. Kenyon Born January 5, 1906, England Died August 24, 1978 The site of the ancient city of Jericho (located in what is now Jordan) has long intrigued modern archaeologists. Frequently men... Read more