John Masefield Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach John Masefield.

  • 5 Biographies
  • 2 Literature Criticisms
  • ...and more

Study Pack

The John Masefield Study Pack contains:

Biographies (5)

2,889 words, approx. 10 pages
John Masefield , poet laureate from 1930 to 1967, is best known for his achievements in narrative and lyric verse. Yet he had published twenty novels, seventeen original plays, and three dramas adapte... Read more
9,887 words, approx. 33 pages
John Masefield rose to prominence during the first two decades of the twentieth century as the author of Salt-Water Ballads (1902) and of several popular narrative poems including The Everlasting Me... Read more
3,991 words, approx. 14 pages
John Masefield is perhaps best known as the poet laureate of England from 1930 until his death in 1967, and his long career as a minor novelist falls under the shadow of his enormously popular poetry... Read more
2,079 words, approx. 7 pages
Today John Masefield is best known for his poetry, especially for his Salt-Water Ballads (1902) and for having been Poet Laureate of England from 1930 to 1967. But Masefield produced an amazingly wide... Read more
11,839 words, approx. 40 pages
Biography EssayJohn Masefield rose to prominence during the first two decades of the twentieth century as the author of Salt-Water Ballads (1902) and of several popular narrative poems including The... Read more