In the Sanctuary of Outcasts Summary
Neil White

Everything you need to understand or teach In the Sanctuary of Outcasts by Neil White.

  • In the Sanctuary of Outcasts Summary & Study Guide

In the Sanctuary of Outcasts Overview

Neil White's memoir, In the Sanctuary of Outcasts, is the account of the year Neil spent in Carville, a sugar plantation that had become a leprosarium almost a century before his arrival. The Department of Prisons now saw the site as prime real estate for a maximum security prison. Neil is horrified to discover he will be living among people who have leprosy, but he soon discovers that those residents and other prisoners have valuable lessons to teach him, if he is just willing to listen. He opens his heart and mind to those lessons and discovers that he wants to become a better person with better priorities, though he fears that he will revert to his former habits once he is out of prison. The main themes of this book are outward appearances, unbridled quest for success, and the stigmas attached to diseases

Study Pack

The In the Sanctuary of Outcasts Study Pack contains: