Guerrillas Summary
The status of Guerrillas as a major novel rests on its classification as a political novel. Unlike A House for Mr Biswas (1961), Guerrillas has a small cast of characters. Only three are of major importance: Peter Roche, a dispossessed white victim of South African oppression, who has emigrated to the nameless Caribbean island that is the novel's setting; Jimmy Ahmed, a half-Chinese, half-black "revolutionary" leader; and Jane, a Canadian who seems to be hoping for a personal definition through these two men.
For such a situation to express political concerns, the individual relations of the characters must be symbolic of a larger social relationship. In short, the personal relations should give an outline of a culture, as each character represents a part of the social world.
Such an action tends toward allegory, and an initial interpretation of Guerrillas might be that of a story...
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Study Pack
The Guerrillas Study Pack contains:
Guerrillas Short Guide
V. S. Naipaul Biographies (5)
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V. S. Naipaul (born 1932) was one of the foremost spokespersons in English prose of the post-colonial Third World.Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul was born August 17, 1932, in Trinidad, where his grandfa...
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