Everything you need to understand or teach Graveyard Girl by Wendy A. Lewis.
Lewis tried to "create a snapshot of young people in a small town," in Graveyard Girl.
The linking device that Lewis utilizes in connecting the book's twelve stories is a high school's 1982 recreation of the "Wedding of the Century," the royal marriage of Prince Charles to Lady Diana. Each of the stories' central characters played some major or minor role in the mock royal wedding by reenacting either an adult part or one originally carried out by a child. Five of the stories are set in 1983 and are narrated by members of that year's graduating class.
Another five are set in 1993 and are told by individuals who were preschoolers at the time of the school performance. Two other pieces, both occurring on June 19, 1999, and both told by Ginger, now a wife and mother in her mid-thirties but originally the school's student photographer who captured the school production on...