Ecological health Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Ecological health.

  • 4 Encyclopedia Articles

Study Pack

The Ecological health Study Pack contains:

Encyclopedia Articles (4)

1,845 words, approx. 7 pages
Ecological Integrity Ecological (or biological) integrity is a measure of how intact or complete an ecosystem is. Ecological integrity is a relatively new and somewhat controversial notion, however,... Read more
815 words, approx. 3 pages
Ecosystem Health Ecosystem health is a new concept that ecologists are examining as a tool for use in detecting and monitoring changes in the quality of the environment, particularly with regard to ec... Read more
596 words, approx. 2 pages
Emergent Ecological Diseases Emergent ecological diseases are relatively recent phenomena involving extensive damage being caused to natural communities and ecosystems. In some cases, the specific c... Read more
2,871 words, approx. 10 pages
Ecological Integrity Ecological or biological integrity originated as an ethical concept in the wake of Aldo Leopold (1949) and has been present in the law, both domestic and international, and part o... Read more