Christopher Pearse Cranch Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Christopher Pearse Cranch.

  • 3 Biographies
  • 11 Literature Criticisms
  • ...and more

Study Pack

The Christopher Pearse Cranch Study Pack contains:

Biographies (3)

351 words, approx. 2 pages
Christopher Pearse Cranch (8 March 1813-20 January 1892), known today primarily as a Transcendental poet, was a talented man with little discipline, a dabbler in music, art, and literature, who tried ... Read more
1,836 words, approx. 7 pages
Christopher Pearse Cranch's two Huggermugger or Little Jacket books are milestones in the development of nondidactic literature for children and of American fantasy. Although they are known today only... Read more
2,717 words, approx. 10 pages
Minister, musician, poet, and painter, Christopher Pearse Cranch spent most of his long life eking out a modest living in a variety of professions. Many scholars of the period dismiss Cranch as merely... Read more