Arnold Geulincx Summary

Everything you need to understand or teach Arnold Geulincx.

  • 2 Encyclopedia Articles

Study Pack

The Arnold Geulincx Study Pack contains:

Encyclopedia Articles (2)

2,130 words, approx. 8 pages
Geulincx, Arnold(1624–1669) Arnold (or Aernout) Geulincx, the Flemish metaphysician and moralist, was born in Antwerp. He studied philosophy and theology at Louvain and in 1646 was made profess... Read more
1,510 words, approx. 6 pages
Geulincx, Arnold [addendum] Life and Works Arnold Geulincx was born in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1624. In 1641 he matriculated at University of Louvain, where he became a professor of philosophy in 1646. F... Read more