
What does Panch vati signify in Ramayan?

I know it's was the abode of of Rishi [saint] Vaalmik.

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in the case of the Ramayan, the five elements of matter are symbolised by 'Panchvati', 'Tamsa' river is used as a symbol of tamas; 'Ram' is the emblem of the force that permeates manas (mind), while 'Lakshman' represents that force of mind (Manas) which pursues the object (laksh) the mind has set out. 'Manthra', who manoeuvres the exile of Ram and is cursed for that reason, is really speaking the sturdy, steady faculty of mind which preserves it on the right course (mana, i.e. 'mind' + thira, i.e. 'to stabilise'). But for her planning, Ram's exile into the forest would have been rendered impossible, and he would have remained embroiled in the narrow material world of 'Ayodhya' which symbolises body