Man's Search for Meaning

how does Man's Search for Meaning(book) by, Victor Frankl relate to the journey in life that people go through to be one with God(intellectually-see extra info-need all steps)

1st see God around them(nature,etc) 2nd to start thinkng of God in your mind(choices are motivated by God),3rd how we are transformed by Gods grace(we are stopped from being distracted by material things), 4th man realizes what ultimate reality is(how God is almighty and all powerful), 5th that God is the Highest, most perfect Good(when we get this close to God-we are getting closer to perfection), and finally 6th, Once we have discovered God and done all the steps before we realize that it is a neverending process(God will always show us more and we are with him-even if, and though we are not dead-but it is never finished.) at least 2 pages double spaced. ~~Although this is posted in Catholicism, you do not have to be specific with the religion- just general writing of God~~

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The Need to Discover the Meaning of One's Existence is a theme that is important because it expands the philosophy of meaning beyond circumstances of suffering. Frankl does not suggest that the search for meaning begins only when individuals find themselves in difficult situations. Rather, he regards this quest as a driving force within the life of every person. Consequently, the writing suggests that people living under relatively pleasant and placid circumstances will still be prone to great psychological discomfort if they perceive their life to exist without any particular meaning. Just as individuals have difficulty finding meaning under the most unpleasant of conditions, so too can people struggle to find meaning in everyday life. This is because the meaning of one's life is strictly linked to their individual world, and that an existence that provides clarity and profound meaning for one person cannot necessarily be said to do so for another. Moreover, the search for the meaning of one's life is a dramatic undertaking that requires a deep understanding of one's own fundamentals and philosophies. It is a process of becoming and of individual discovery.