English & Literature

From what Alcinous says about Phaeacia's ships, is there any chance that they will fail to get Odysseus home? How do you know?

in the odyssey. i need a small 3 to 4 sentence paragraph, ive tried doing it myself but i havent read the story, ive googled it and everything but cant find enough information, help :/

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Last updated by ashwin23
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You can put this in your own words (and for the record this is a kickA** story and you should have read it). Lecture aside...here's what this section is about.

In this section he speaks about a past history in sailing people to their destinations and never failing. He is also stating that no one who sought his help was ever refused. He speaks about using experienced sailors who have proven themselves and that he is sure of his ability to make good on his pledge of a safe journey home.