Who Wrote the Bible?

Who is Biblical Investigators from Who Wrote the Bible? and what is their importance?

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The history of biblical investigators is much shorter than the history of the Bible, spanning a few centuries instead of millennia. At first considered a threat to religion, these investigators instead created a rational view of biblical authors that accomplishes just the opposite—a deeper appreciation for the Bible and what it has to say about the nature of God; the impact of law; the ancient cultures and politics in which the Bible was written, and the Bible's importance in the world today. Whether one believes in the existence of God or not, the existence of the Bible is irrefutable and so is the importance of the book in world history. For this analysis, the biblical investigators are placed foremost because Friedman bases his arguments upon the works of men. Placing the names of God afterward implies no disrespect and merely reflects the primary subject matter of Friedman's book. The Bible is about God. Friedman's book is about the men and one woman biblical author (possibly J).


Who Wrote the Bible?