White Oleander

What are the motifs in White Oleander by Janet Fitch?

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The search for the inner self is a recurring idea. Astrid is a sensitive, artistic soul, but her innocence is quickly shattered in the harsh world when she's left to fend for herself while her mother is in prison. At the tender age of fourteen, she learns carnal pleasures with Ray but also finds the same love betrayed by his weakness. She understands her culpability as she ponders on the impact of her action on innocents like Davey who will now wander through the same foster care system that has proven so indifferent to her plight. Astrid is influenced by Olivia's sophistication but ultimately understands that she holds only a small part of Olivia's mind and will quickly be forgotten. Someone like Olivia who lives for luxury doesn't want the burden of caring for someone.