Tuesdays with Morrie

do you think Mitch would have listened to Morrie if Morrie hadn't been dying?

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Last updated by psncodes1
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What a thought-provoking question! Mitch respected his former college professor, but his life became so busy that he lost touch with Morrie. If it hadn't been for Morrie's story being on the national news one evening, Mitch would not have known about Morrie's illness. It was pure luck that Mitch saw Morrie's story. If Mitch hadn't seen the story, do you think Mitch would have started to visit Morrie?

Yet, as the story goes, Mitch did meet with Morrie every Tuesday. Mitch realized that he needed to put his life in perspective--and he learned this through Morrie and their many visits. Yes, I believe Mitch would have still listened to Morrie.