To Kill a Mockingbird

Why didn't Scout want to attend the football game?

The Narrator Is Scout!

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There is no mention of Scout not wanting to attend a football game in the novel. There is, however, mention of Jem not wanting to go to the Methodist vs Baptist football game fundraiser. We might infer that Scout, like Jem, didn't want to attend because Atticus wasn't playing.

The Methodists were trying to pay off their church mortgage, and had
challenged the Baptists to a game of touch football. Everybody in town’s father
was playing, it seemed, except Atticus. Jem said he didn’t even want to go, but he
was unable to resist football in any form, and he stood gloomily on the sidelines
with Atticus and me watching Cecil Jacobs’s father make touchdowns for the


To Kill a Mockingbird